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I have my days and months all mixed up! I can’t believe it’s almost April! In honor of April Fools and the nearing of All for the Boys’ first birthday I thought I’d share our very first DIY tutorial for these ketchup and mustard prank bottles. These are always fun for everyone (even though the kids think it’s fun LONG after the adults’ amusement has worn off)

First get a ketchup and/or mustard squirty bottle (I got the pack of 2 for $1.50) some red and yellow string, and 2 small washers or some sort of light item to weight the string down a bit. (Nylon string is best for this but I couldn’t find it thick enough for a reasonable enough price)

 Tie the small washer to one end of the string

 Put the string through the lid of the bottle from the bottom up

 Tie a knot in the top of the string so the length of the string matches the length of the bottle where the washer is slightly resting on the bottom of the bottle. (The washer is used to weight the string so that it slides back in the bottle easily, without this it is hard to get the string back in the bottle easily but is not absolutely required if you don’t have one – or just use whatever you have on hand)

Put the lid back on the bottle and try it out!

Then go prank someone! If you can wait it’s much more fun when having ketchup out is believeable, however, when you’re 6 and 8 it’s just too hard to wait!

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Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!


  1. Funny.My four year old has been cracking eggs and then cellotaping back up the egg shell so it looks whole. he then yells catch. But he couldn't wait to April 1st and like you it has worn off especially picking up egg shells:)

  2. I laughed seeing these pictures! How fun, we're totally going to prank dad. Hope I can find those bottles at Target.

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